I feel like i'm barely hanging by a thread.
I haven't properly slept these past few nights, but no matter how late i stay up, the work seems neverending. Then there's that 2 tests next week that's weighing down my conscience all week telling me to start preparing but there's just no time for it. And finals are around the corner but we can't even afford to think about it yet.
Then there's camp preparation. Then i get a mail saying that we(bible study group on campus) are not supposed to screen dvds without approval and they need a synopsis of what we're watching.
Then there's people matters. So many people to deal with, so much patience and wisdom and humility required.
All these are already pulling me down but it doesnt matter so much cause i can still deal with it and i'm getting loads of help which really is a blessing.
What i can't deal with is the emotional stress. When out of nowhere i remember the fear. The fear that weighs me down more than anything else. I know everyone has fears, but what i can't understand is why i can't face up to this fear. It's not a big deal to anyone else, but why is it bothering me so much? I'm so, SO SICK of this.
Get over it already.
sarah, go read my blog. It may, from what it may have seen, only contains one post, but it shows what i'm feeling during this stress hour ehh?
Sarah, if you let the emotional stress controls you, then of coz you fear everything that's ahead of you. Of coz you do need it sometimes to prepare you for what's ahead, but why let it bother you during assignemtns?
If you can't get it out of your head, then i can only say, learn to relax =) Ppl always think (that includes you) that i'm so smart that i can leave everything till last min, and because i'm smart i feel no stress...is it true?
I think i'm probably feeling the same thing as you, cept the camp preparation stuff. God is with you, but He only helps those who help him/herself.
Embed smile in your every speech, and sooner or later you will be enjoying everything. Well, maybe cept the exam part...i never got the better of it....especially whenever i study last minute... >.<"
hope you're feeling better already. and i'm still touched by your sms haha. really. =)
go save the world sush!
First of all, you've been doing extremely well all this while. I mean, given how much academic capability you were given, you have made it this far and I believe God has been working in you to help you keep going no matter what struggles you had faced. I'm not saying I'm smart and you're dumb. (If someone called me smart, I'd puke..lol..) I'm just saying that you've been doing well all this while. :)
As for the fear, I understand what it feels like. But if you let it control you, you may not get to where you want. So, try to get it out of yourself, and keep thinking positive ;)
I know you're going through a lot, but so is everyone else. Keep praying and He will guide you. :) I'm sure He's been listening to you so many times, and He'll see to it whether you can make past this last obstacle for this semester. =D
Keep thinking positive!
thanks for being supportive, i'm really thankful you guys are around;) every single word helps! so all your typing is not in vain haha
hmm... you are right, everyone has their own fear but not everyone can faced it, including myself. Therefore, don't have to too stress about it. Just try your best in everything you do and thus, no matter what is the results. The most important thing is to take care of yourself (3 meals a day).
lol weiwen, you hiewmun xinwei so scared i dont eat wan ah. look at me and tell me whether i look like i dont eat or not haha. thanks, i really really appreciate it. you also la, dont so stress about fawaz subj haha
ha ha... it is a fact that you skip breakfast and sometimes lunch or dinner ok... there is a saying like, "Eat Well, Live Well", so... if you don't eat, your life is not complete :P. Anyway, fawaz's subject would not be the only module that i need to worry about... ha ha. But, i won't be too stress, thx!
What WW said. :D Food is essential, and eat as much as your stomach wants. Don't go for the "overkill" though. xD And also don't go for the "underkill" ;)
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