Monday, August 03, 2009

there is someone here inside

I am officially messed up. And i need advice on how to make this right. So, what am i talking about?

My sleeping time.

Ya i mean i obviously already knew that, cause for the last 2 months of my summer break, i have put in considerable effort to sleep as late as possible (i.e. 4am-5am). Don't blame me, it's called summer break reflex. [hint: denial]

Remember learning how if we touch a boiling kettle, our receptors in the skin sends a message to our brain to tell it that the kettle's hot and then the brain sends a message back and tells the hands to move away? And all these happens in warp speed because if it doesnt our fingers would have already turned into fried sausages by the time the message gets from the brain to our hands. And that's called reflex, which google defined as,

"An automatic instinctive unlearned reaction to a stimulus, without volition or conscious control"

So you see it's the same with my summer break reflex. 4 months of break from studies is like the boiling kettle. Spot the similarity? Okay la, maybe not the volition or conscious control part.

But i digress.

What stirred this feeling of,
"Wow, i really did mess up and i need to fix it." ?

Well, i had a long day today. After youth i stayed back for some practice and then went for a movie [ghosts of girlfriends' past, which incidentally i do not recommend (now i really have this urge to break into a song *be careful little eyes what you see, be careful little eyes what you see, for the Father up above is looking down in love, so be careful little eyes what you see*)]

Then of course, took the ktm home. And we all know how the ktm has a knack for causing advanced aging.

When i got home after dinner, i was really feeling sleepy (hint: shock!) so i went to bed at about 10pm. I was very happy cause i mean c'mon, i usually only feel sleepy in the range of 3.30am. So i slept. And guess what?

I woke at bout 11.45pm and just couldnt go back to sleep anymore. I felt wide awake! I was like what? No! I mean isn't there like this rule when you feel sleepy AT NIGHT you automatically sleep soundly all night?! After tossing and turning and trying to go back to sleep in total total vain-ness (okay that was very grammatically wrong i think, but i really wanna get a message across haha. i meant to say 'in vain' in case you did not understand), i gave up and here i am.

Although my body and i are not really on speaking terms right now (cause it refuses to help me out when i ask it to just go to sleep), i got a feeling we're just waiting for 4am to come.

Oh, it's only 2.18am.

I think i'll go read a book.


Anonymous said...

You are one who can really last almost throughout the whole night haha. All I can say is that i am not strong enough to stay awake till late night. Nevertheless, it's better to get more rest so that you're not so tired the next morning haha.

P/S: I have not watched a movie for a long time already. Do recommend me with nice movies to watch haha:)

-Δορκας- said...

Maybe some karaoke helps?

sarah said...

jon, there's so many movies enough for a movie marathon now! the proposal, overheard(canto), setem(local, i think it's a rare good local movie), gi joe, public enemies (!! not yet watch) haha but i heard from my friends also watching movie in australia is expensive regardless of whether you convert or not

dorcas- HAHAHAHAHA. that's all :P

ç£@Réñ©€ said...

lol. Looks like you got summer break insomnia. xD I'm having a hard time with it too, but because of work that insomnia problem is sort of suppressed. xD Good luck fixing it though =)

And yes! Lots of great movies to watch, but I haven't watched them =( Let's watch some when we all get together again! =D

sooaun said...

haha... enjoy it while you can girl (the whole sleeping late thingie) cos once you get to my age (sound like old man right?)... just sleep late one night and the rest of the week is screwed... i mean seriously! it's sad.... :(