Monday, September 25, 2006


between bryan's disgust at a 'friendster blog' and ashy's frequent complaint of getting a blog update in her mail,i finally decided to get a new one.
and yes.i was bored.

totally forgetting that that the puasa month has begun,i innocently offered chewing gum to ashy in tuition and boy,was she shocked.
'eh,i puasa lah.'
in my defence i was in church whole of sunday where you would rarely find a muslim who's fasting and i kinda skipped school today.

anyways back to the blog.apparently research has shown that lighter background is better for the eyes.and so a battle between the eyesight of my blog readers and my preference broke out.
guess who won.


ling said...

ashy pls forgive her.. shes slow

cheryl said...

ouch...sakit mata lar. guess we know who won indeed!