Sunday, July 01, 2007

pull my strings just for a thrill

technically i am on holiday.untechnically(i do not know that opposite of technically,if such word exists,but maybe i hit the mark..who knows)i am supposed to be studying for my finals,the mark of the end of my 1st's not so much a study break,it's a they-finished-the-syllabus-so-what's-the-use-of-having-classes-anymore break.
okay,it's a study break.

knowing myself i'd probably take my books out of their dusty misery only a day or two before D-Day(s).

envy is something that can take over one's whole self.the very logic,moral and self-control can just melt in the presence of envy.thus the tenth commandment "thou shall not covet." being good at something brings only temporary pleasure until someone better at it materialises.then anything below being the best is not a choice.

so,the only solution i see(disclaimer-i see,not the only solution there is)is through the work of the Holy Spirit,we have to realise that whatever possesions,talents or advantages that we are blessed with is only given to us with the sole purpose that we use it for God,whether to glorify Him or to witness for Him.therefore,our only aim should be of that.that is when God will decide whether He wants to give us more,or take what we have away.

so while we still have these,use them fully for Him knowing that He knows what is best to give to us.envy can only hinder us in our service,serving for the wrong reasons.

oh,by the way,transformers so's a great movie.i think i'll watch it again.


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