Thursday, January 24, 2008

it's like i'm going through the motions of a scripted destiny

it's been awhile since i've posted anything. i know for a fact joel's being very determined to keep to his resolution of updating his blog and has so far been doing quite a good job.

to update a little, my finals ended about a week ago and we outdid ourselves in celebration all day as though we just achieved something after sweating blood and sleepless nights.

and so i am on a 3 and a half weeks break. a week and a half is almost gone and honestly, sleeping late is no more a treat, as much as it is a forced gesture to kill time.

i have been going out but i am trying to stay home more, whether because i have a desire to wake after 10 but before noon (because going out usually means waking around 9) or because i am trying to be wise financially, i cannot decide.

i've been thinking a lot about people and their pride, and how it affects people's decisions, emotions and when it al comes together, their lives.

it's easy to know everyone has pride, but it takes notice, and observation to see how pride influences even the smallest decisons, infiltrates the lightest of conversations.

those small moments of irritations that we brush off, but nevertheless feel when talking to someone are often caused by what the other person said in a gush of pride.
that person will probably have noticed the mistake and hastes to say something humble instead in the next sentence, and yet, the damage is done.

but we cannot really blame, because no matter how humble one may boast to be(hmm), pride lives in every one.

only Jesus was purely humble, and sometimes it can be unnerving to see how He was never proud.

We try, but like any other human being, pride creeps into us even when we are fighting against it. Change is possible, but only with the help of the Holy Spirit, who, whatever people may say, remains the only One who is able to change one effectively for the better.

sometimes, i wish we made wiser decisions.

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