Monday, January 19, 2009

no way to take it all back

SO. My finals are finally over, no lame pun intended. I've spent days dreaming in between tutorial questions, nights rolling about unable to drift off, all these sweet escapes, waiting for this day to come. So tell me why I don't feel that euphoric explosion I was confidently expecting, much less a relief from this tight constriction that seemed to have wedged itself somewhere in between my left ventricle and my aorta(read: biology) since this war began(while you're at it, look up exaggeration).

I'm sorry if those two don't correspond with each other, I spent biology classes with ever faithful friends at the backmost of the class sketching the teacher's face. Needless to say, our drawing skills didn't go much farther than that of biology. Trust me, that alone can fill blogs, NOT that it's necessary to publicise every classroom escapade.

Anyhow/hoo/way, this absence of anticipated joy has a reason behind it. The last paper was a tough cookie. Biscuit, cracker, whatever. Sorry for my sudden transformation into a bad quality thesaurus(transformers, clarence?) C programming has always been my weakest subject, one I wage war against, and today was no exception. Okay, to be fair, I could run a few programmes. But running them and getting them the way the questions wants it is different.

So after the paper, I wasn't really in any mood to celebrate. My classmates went jolly happy to KL, but I didn't feel like it. I had lunch with my friends from different engineering courses whose last paper is tomorrow, sadly. Haha, and with some secret concoction, they picked up my mood a little.

After two weeks of spending every single day except sunday here--->

Holed in from 10am till 5pm, one hour lunch break of course, suddenly you feel a little lightheaded. Not knowing where to go and what to do(but of course, this unacceptable feeling will only last for one day tops haha). Coming home, after dinner, there is no notes waiting to be carelessly flipped through, tutorials to be dutifully dreading, or past year papers that are one of those little accomplishments that give you the permission to feel like you've 'upgraded' and are almost ready for D-day. Only for a little while.

Hold your fire, I don't miss the exams you-gotta-be-chocolate-covered-nuts to miss em. It's the routine, yeah, that's it.

I will be going for my first dental appointment to tighten my braces since I put it on a month ago. Thinking of changing to red, cny ma. But I mean who gives up green for red? And what if I look like Edward Cullen after his meal?(No sirree, I didn't watch the movie or read the books but the hype surrounding it is enough for the katak hiding under the tempurung to know who Edward is. He is a vampire)

How now brown cow?


I AM A BLOGGER said...

Hmmm, well, that is the life of uni student. i am glad my final is over too. But, there is still an overwhelmed feeling of uncertainties. Well, juz put that aside, my friend(^^)

ç£@Réñ©€ said...

Hey Sarah. Life's tough, and yes you'll meet up with your weaknesses most or once in a while..

Anyway, keep your hopes ever high, because every optimistic thought counts. :) Of course, I don't mean brag or be overconfident. That's totally different.

I'll miss the study gatherings, not to say that I miss the exams, but you get my point. :D

Thanks for joining me for my haircut. LOL.