let's talk about my part time job.the one that is the only thing that can make me sit in front of the computer all day monopolising excel and nothing else.oh the temptation.
for this job,i stay with my aunts and grandparents.due to the past month of indefinite sleeping time and waking in the afternoons,i find it hard to sleep before at least 12.30am.and i have to wake at5.55am.
work starts at 8.30am..by8.35,i find it hard to keep my eyes open.yes.the semangat-ed 5minutes is all i can afford to squeeze out,which is about the time it takes for the computer to get started and running.
so predictably,by5.30,i'm ready to just lie on the desk and sleep there the remaining hours till the next day.of course,i feel like doing that at10 in the morning,during lunch,at3pm,4pm...you get the drift.but that's beside the point.
still,in contrast,it is quite fun to experience but a small bit of the working life.
yet in the midst of it all,the pain,the injustice,remains.
so i continue praying.
harder than ever.
Someone sounds like she's having a 'little' trouble.
Anyways, it so happened (although I don't believe in coincidences) that after I read your blog, I read the latest article on Piper's site.
So go here and read it. I think it would be an encouragement:
Can God spread a table in the wilderness?
thanks Joel.
it helps.
ironically hannah was just telling me about a message by Piper the other day.
and rest assured,coincidences arent my kinda thing too.hehe
The obvious (well maybe, I'm not sure) question from a usually curious Joel thus becomes: Which message was this?
haha..thus proven that it is indeed Joel and not an imposter(though the reason for one is unclear)
it was something about love..that God is the source of all things..and if we didnt know God,how can we love?which requires some deep thinking and produces challenging thoughts..for me la..lol
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