Saturday, September 01, 2007

whatever you do,i'll be two steps behind you

it has been an eventful week,in the sense that on tuesday and thursday i took half-day leaves cause i wasnt feeling well.on thursday when i finally decided to see a doctor,i was told i had a slight low blood pressure thus explaining the reason that i've been feeling giddy and nauseous.

instead of feeling alarmed,i found it almost comical.i mean in reference to my non-existent medical knowledge,low blood pressure are for older and thinner people.and judging by my age and my size,i would think i'll be the last person to have low blood pressure.

nevertheless,once again i know why i'm not doing medicine(apart from the fact that i die at the sight of blood).because at the age of 17(going on 18 okay?)i'm taking pills for my blood pressure.
plus a few others the doctor prescribed.

anyways,i got my results.
in my fervent prayers that the Lord not to let me fail a particularly challenging paper,i had no hope that i'll be able to meet the required standards to maintain my scholarship.

still,God proved His power and faithfulness when He not only helped me pass that paper,my average percentage is sufficient to keep the scholarship.
so i'm left ashamed at my teeny weeny faith in God.

who's to measure God's endless power?

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