Friday, August 01, 2008

i'll be a witness in the silences when words are not enough

It’s Friday already(again!). So many Fridays, still so many more to go.
I watched Batman twice, which is not really enough for such a good movie. Though not everything is exactly the same as the novel (yes, there is a batman novel) or the comics, the crux of the story is there.

In one scene, The Joker says this:

You see, nobody panics when things go according to plan. Even if the plan is horrifying. If I told people that a gangbanger was going to get shot, or a busload of soldiers was going to get blown up, nobody would panic. Because it's all part of the plan. But tell people that one tiny little mayor is going to die and everyone loses their minds!

The Joker is insane (is he really though?) but he makes a good point. Isn’t this how we are? Yes, we pride ourselves in our ability to enjoy surprises, to be excited about that occasional unknown we plunge ourselves into. Still, we usually want a plan. Not a detailed one maybe, but a rough sketch to give us an idea of what’s going to happen. Sure, at times a plan is definitely necessary. It wouldn’t be wise to run an event without planning it beforehand. ‘He who fails to plan plans to fail’ right? But some things are beyond planning. We can plan our daily routine, what we have for dinner, what course we want to take, but there is always the situation when something unexpected, out of the plan, happens. Then our faith is tested. We struggle to keep faith in light of what’s happened, but secretly we long for the reason. Desiring to interrogate God, to ask Him why is it happening? What is Your plan for me?

And then towards the end of the movie, Harvey Dent says this:

You thought we could be decent men at indecent times. But you were wrong; the world is cruel, and the only morality in a cruel world is chance.

This feeling is no stranger to me, as I’m sure it isn’t to many of us. More often than our conscience would allow us to, we wonder why are we trying to be different. What’s the point? It’s not as if my actions are going to change the world. The only thing it’s doing for me is make everyone look at me as a freak, mocking me for my stupidity of trying to be decent in indecent times. The things that are happening in the world today, sometimes only the most profane words make sense. But the thing is, it’s not our job to make things happen. What we do is be different, upholding morality, decency. How that affects people is God’s work.

There was this one scene where there’re two ferries, one carrying innocent citizens, the other convicted felons. The Joker threatens to blow both ferries up, unless one of them blows the other up first before midnight.
The people start reasoning among themselves. Some say the criminals have had their chance. Better them than innocent citizens. Besides, it’s better to have one ferry blown up than both right?

This scene deals with such a real issue. We all want to do what’s right, but sometimes, we don’t know what’s right. At times like these, thank God we have the Holy Spirit in us to lead us.

It's my parents' wedding anniversary today.

22 years down the road...
and 3 biji kids later(yes, three. the third is squashed at the bottom)...

God is so good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i guess the service today explained all the doubts in us...
"stay confused"