Thursday, October 05, 2006

slow or just plain dumb?

it's very simple really.
i was in school the other day only with reiny.there was no teacher,no electricity and we were dreadfully bored and had to do something to stop us from turning to possibly the only form of entertainment we had in such hot conditions-strangling each other and basically see who drops and faints first .then we can rush to the hospital where there's air-conditioning.
that was the initial plan anyway.
then we saw that matt wasn't using his chess set(which came as a shock at first)so we gave that game a go.

so getting to the point,after about3minutes into the game,i got so excited as i saw a chance to check reiny(yes i haven't been playing since i was as tall as my guitar)so i checked her lah.
and guess what reiny said?
'it's the queen lah dong.'*prolonged laughter for about5years*
alright so it was probably like15mins of laughter but it sure felt longer than that.

so tell me,am i slow or just plain dumb?sigh.

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