Sunday, October 15, 2006

was there any doubt?

I was studying biology yesterday,undeniably my worst subject.The lowest i ever got being 17 marks,in a monthly exam which means that we were only tested on one pathetic topic and i kicked butts.mine,to be exact.
anyways,i found myself unconsciously skipping the topics that i'm really bad at,fast-forwarding to topics i find easier to revise.I didn't want to deal with the source of my frequent fail grades.I comforted myself saying if i mastered the other topics it would be the same.the word 'revision' is wasted on me.

aren't we like that sometimes?we refuse to take that more difficult step for Christ.we'd rather settle ourselves in our comfort zone,doing something more out of routine rather than sincerity.In the same way,we keep lying to ourselves to create false comfort that we've reached the peak of our capability when deep down we know-oh yes,we know-that we're only doing the minimal.
maybe it's evangelism.hey,i pray for the lost everyday.i'm doing a pretty good job already.i'll just let God do the rest.

objecting already?well,are you showing God's love?You are?well are you doing it to the best of your ability?Are you forgiving as easy?Do you love others like you love YOURSELF?Yeah, love.

Love is patient,love is kind.It does not envy,it does not boast,it is not proud.It is not rude,it is not self-seeking,it is not easily-angered,it keeps no record of wrongs.Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.It always protects,always trusts,always hopes,always perseveres.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

are you going uh-oh?cause i did.i do things mostly for my own benefits.i say i help others,but i'm helping myself.when the person i didn't like got into trouble,i wasn't complaining.And the last time i checked,my you-did-me-wrong record book is as thick as ever.
like i shared in WinGS meeting today,this few verses never fail to make me wonder if i've ever really loved.and so i always refer to this chapter so that i know what is love,and how to love.

yeah,i know,we're only human.but we're not just any human.we have the Holy Spirit in us and I believe that enables us to love like no normal human can.we've experienced God's love,so why can't we share it with those who haven't?

never say that what we're doing for God is enough,because it's never enough.

He did so much more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

interesting thoughts there dude..