Friday, April 10, 2009

would you tell me how could it be any better than this?

What a week! It's been a really bittersweet week for me. To think that 4 days can bear so many emotions.

Stress is reaching maximum level, but somehow i still manage to hold it together. My partner and i have this project, a calculator, and it didn't work and for one week there was that crazy troubleshooting cause this project we're only given 4 weeks = 12 hours to come up with a fully functioning calculator. By God's grace (my lab partner, jon's a Christian too, which is awesome) we found the problem in the last 5 minutes of our last lab and everything just fell into place. Couldn't have done it without jon. But that's just hardware, now we're getting into full gear software.

Our workstation

You can imagine how it feels like to finally see this word!

Then there's another lab and another project with 2 other different partners, where i'm blessed again to have great partners.

Everything is due this month, and to top it all off, lecturers are having in-class tests that carry 10% each every week!

But studies aside, i've also been carrying the thought of the cross around with me more than ever all week. It's amazing how that memory never grows old, always seems as fresh as ever. As heartbreaking as ever, but then as joyful as ever.

I've heard of the Lifehouse Everything Skit quite some time ago, when a guy friend quietly admitted to me that he teared after watching the video. I checked it out, but it didn't have much effect on me. Sure, it was touching. But at that point in time, it just didn't have any effect on me, cause i guess i've also seen such skits before so it was nothing phenomenal.

Now, after weeks of practice with the youth cast of the exact same skit, i only need to listen to the song to visualise the acting. And last night, while preparing the ending video to the skit for tonight and easter, the song broke my heart.

Okay, as huge an influence as music has in my life, i've always been careful, cause i never want to be touched just because the music at that moment was right, or the atmosphere at that moment just climaxed. So let me tell you what just hit.

You're everything.

That line just broke down a lot of what i've been fighting with recently. The struggles that i've tried to share, but ultimately find that only God will fully understand.

Is everything fixed? No, of course not. The struggles will still have to be fought, the fears will still have to be met, and the pain will still have to be faced. But it doesn't hurt, to know that this God cares. This God, who went through so much more than i can ever fathom, who knows what i am going through, and who went through worse because He loves me.

He was broken for me. What can't i face with Him? What can be so great He cannot carry me through it?

So as we remember His sacrifice, as we walk through His life here on earth, as we walk through that night in Gethsemane, as we realise it was our hands, our sins that nailed him to the cross, may we remember just how much He loves us. And find comfort and strength in that.

He is everything.


♥♥♥♥♥ Jennifer™® ♥♥♥♥♥ said...

your blog is very fine

ç£@Réñ©€ said...

Wow.. Very good update here! Glad to know you've been remembering God in every way. I've yet to do that, I guess I'm still very "young".. Haha. But it's also good that you managed to get great partners this time, especially with what you're going through :)

Will load that video soon, and it looks like I'll enjoy it lots ^^

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh. sarah, i got to salute u for taking this enginering course. all ur works are so so tough!

sooaun said...

good thoughts! we all need that reminder more often ;)

ps. the breadboard brings back memories for me... thankfully it's all over for me now, heheh... ah... and the lcd panel and scope... hahaha

I AM A BLOGGER said...

Thank goodness, it works!!!
Sarah, u can do it!!!
Nxt time, u can make and sell calculators after going tru this hardship!

Plus, happy easter day(^^)

Faye said...

Sush, it's my turn to pray for you. Sms me anytime ya. =) -hugs-

sarah said...

hey we all gotta start somewhere right? i've known you since foundation and you've come a long way since then. Never underestimate what God can do in you if you are willing to let Him. God is working in your life, and that's great:) hope you enjoyed the video

when i get my break, i think i'll check out fated to love you and miss no good after your super advertisement haha=P every course is tough(and fun!) in their own ways;)

[sooaun kor]
haha you know when we first got the breadboard, cause our lecturer is from india with super strong accent, we couldn't get what he called it. we're like huh? blackboard? bedboard? haha had to google it=P the scope helped a lot in our troubleshooting. so, any pointers? heheh

whoa, one is giving us enough headache now already haha. thanks, i hope PEP is treating you well hahaha see you on the bus;)

thanks sush

Anonymous said...

aw.. sarah! i lovee you! lol~ i never knew you read my blog.. =D

anyway, i encourage u to watch miss no good 1st cuz after u've watch fated to love you, you wont be interested in miss no good dy..

as i've mentioned b4, fated to love you nominated and won an award bt nt miss no good..

anyway, good luck with ur exam i guess.. haha~ and thanks for reading my blog every now and then

ç£@Réñ©€ said...

Thanks Sarah. :) I only saw the first few seconds of the video. Apparently youtube has problems in uni.. For me at least.. =__="

But I understood completely what it was about, because in the Kajang church they had a play which was almost entirely the same as what was in the video! Very touching and I hope I can get a video file of it! :D Plus, what's interesting is that our uni's CF will be doing the same thing for tomorrow's Easter Play. I'll be there. Will you? :)

sarah said...

i'll definitely remember your advice haha, thanks;)

hey oh yeah, wenshan told me about it. i was gonna go, then i just found out this fri my project report is due and i started zero percent:( and test on wednesday, so i guess i wont see you there. enjoy it, i will see you wed night;)

sooaun said...

sorry beb... all my knowledge given back to the lecturers XD